Data Recall 2.0

product Specifications

Data Recall is a Windows-based application that will easily and securely store of all of your critical data. Data Recall allows you to store an unlimited number of user names, passwords, web site URL's, insurance policies, bank accounts, and much more. Data Recall is a free alternative to other password managers such as Info Keep.

Data Recall automatically sets up over 40 pre-defined categories, and their related fields. You can modify these pre-defined categories, delete the categories, and add your own custom categories and fields.

All of your sensitive information is encrypted for security and kept right at your fingertips. Keep your information organized, and never forget a password again..

Data Recall is FREE for you to download and use!
Development Language & Tools: C#, Visual Studio 2019,
Infragistics NetAdvantage
Database: Encrypted Data Files
Operating Systems Supported: Windows 10 / XP / Vista
and Windows Mobile 6.0+
Special Requirements: Microsoft .Net Framework 4.8

Features include

Create an unlimited number of data files

Store an unlimited number of entries for each category

Data files are secured with a user name and password, to protect your data from others who might use the application

The first time a user creates a data file, they are asked two questions in order to securely identify who they are at a later date if a
user forgets their password

Data files are encrypted using 256-bit encryption to guarantee that your data remains safe

Ability to print a copy of all of your entries

User can set the following options:

Auto lock program after a specified number of minutes of inactivity

Auto clear clipboard specified number of seconds after copying data

Lock the program when minimized

Clear the clipboard on exit

Virtual keyboard to serve as an anti-keylogging feature built into the login screen

All information can be easily exported to other formats, such as:

Plain text




Search through all of the data to easily find what you are looking for

Screen Shots of application:

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